Hello everyone,
I have a pleasant spot today for you to sit in the garden under the mockorange where you can enjoy the fragrance.There are also lots of fragrant roses nearby.
I love this beautiful varigated mockorange.It is outside the window from my computer so for a couple of weeks it I can enjoy it inside as well. I took these photos a couple of weeks ago so the mock orange is past now but blooming right under the window where I am sitting in a fragrant hydrangea White Dome-buy one if you have the chance-you won't be dissappointed. I will have to pick a bouquet to share with you soon.
I picked a few pretty bouquets for your enjoyment as well.
The Queen of Denmark ,Erfurt and The Fairy rose make up part of this bouquet.
This is a mixed bouquet of Tahiti Moon, Golden Celebration and I believe The Pilgrim.

Thank you for visiting,