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A Tour of Our Garden

Posted by GAMBAR RUMAH MODERN MASAKINI on Thursday, September 6, 2012


Hello everyone,

We are having some lovely summer days here on the Island so if you are not all at the beach I thought I would show you some photos of our garden today.

This is the bed coming up the walkway to our front door with the barn( maybe I should call it the carriage house sounds prettier somehow) in the background.

The walker's low nepeta and William Baffin rose in bloom in our Chelsea garden.

The delphinium are in bloom here now-I do love them.

The climbing hydgrangea is blooming on the arbor at the road along with magnificum geranium and lady's mantle.

The peach leaf bellflowers are pretty now with splish splash geranium.

This is our Allee garden which was where our daughter walked down the isle and a few years later our daughter in law on their wedding day .The blue is six hills giant nepeta which blooms later then Walkers Low .This is still a work in progress as my vision is to have the arbors covered with roses,clematis and wisteria but they seem to be slow in climbing. Andrew built the arbors etc. last year and I am hoping they age to grey soon. Also, there is more color in the borders before and after this nepeta blooms so I think the problem can be solved by replacing this nepeta for the earlier blooming Walker's Low to give a better show. So hopefully in a year or two this will make a prettier picture. Our garden is still a work in progress and patience is definitely a virtue!

I took this shot early in the morning and the squrriel posed for me on top of the fence at the road.

These peonies were still putting on a good show a couple of days ago-they get a little more shade and are a later variety that I bought at a yardsale.

I love the pinky mauve of this delphinium.

This siberian iris is still in bloom.

There are eight mock orange shrubs in bloom here now along with a few Japanese Ivory Silk lilacs that are perfuming the garden along with dozens of roses.

The south beds by the veranda.

This cedar waxwing surprised me early in the morning as well.I had seen a few around earlier but never with my camera in hand.

In the background there is an ivory silk lilac in bloom along with a garden variety of Japanese Knotweed which blooms a long time but takes up a lot of space.

More delpinium

Do you see the robin on the ground-she has a nest right outside our kitchen window. She has been sitting on the eggs for a while now so it is fun to have such a close view of her.I am hoping to get some pics of the babies when they hatch.

Well,that is a peek at part of our garden so I will show the rest another time. I hope you are enjoying your weekend and I will see you later. It is too hot to work so I think I will enjoy an afternoon on the veranda with some lemonade.

Take care,


Blog, Updated at: 12:12 PM