Hello everyone,
I hope you are all enjoying some lovely summer days. It has been hot and sunny here lately so I have been spending most of my time outdoors . It is nice to get out into the garden early in the morning or in the evenings but it is too hot to work in the afternoons so we did get to the beach a couple of afternoons. I have a few garden tours next week so I will probably miss a few days of blogging again next week but someday soon I will try to get more creative!
Today I am sharing a few photos of roses in the garden along with a few other things. the rose above is Graham Thomas again.
The Fairy rose -one of my favorites.
The Generous Gardener- aDavid Austen rose.
Prairie Princess- a nice climbing rose hardy and disesase resistant.
Heritage rose- another one of my favorites(David Austen).
another Graham Thomas.
A minature rose from the grocery store a few years ago-no name on it.
Linda Campbell rose with hardy geranium
This rose is new last year And I need to look up the name of it but I really like it with the Campanula Pitchard's Variety. There is a closeup of this one above Linda Campbell.
One of my favorite places to eat- shady and lots of lovely fragrance from roses etc. nearby.
Last weeks bouquet.
I love delphenium too.
Ivory monkshood.
The Annebelle Hydgrangea are just starting to bloom. I love how they come out green before turning to white and bloom a long time.
I hope you all have a lovely summer Sunday!
Take care,