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Let's Take a Stroll Through the Garden

Posted by GAMBAR RUMAH MODERN MASAKINI on Thursday, September 6, 2012


Hello everyone,

It has been hot and sunny here lately(27 Celsius) and the garden is changing daily so I thought I would take you on a little stroll through the garden again. It seems I always have favorite places in the garden and lately I think this corner of the garden in the picket fence area is it.(above)

This is the other side of the picket fence garden.

Looking out the kitchen window at the garden makes doing dishes a pleasure.

The clematis are blooming in several parts of the garden.

The delphinium are starting to fade-but they are so pretty while they last.

The phlox is just starting to bloom-I have many varieties in different colors.

Lots of daylilies are blooming and the hydrangeas(these are Annabelles).

Annabelle and Jackmani clematis.

Clematis Abundance with Sally Holmes rose in background.

Annual poppy-reseeds profusely but easy to remove extras and so pretty.

Thalictrum delavayi 'Hewitts Double'

daylily and monkshood

Endless Summer hydrangea

Well, there is lots more to see but I will save that for another day.

Thank you for coming for a little stroll through the garden with me.

Take care,


Blog, Updated at: 11:42 AM