Hello everyone,
It is another beautiful day here on the Island and I have another home and garden tour this afternoon so I am just popping in to let any fellow Islanders know that there is music in the beautiful gardens at Fanningbank tonight from 6 until 7:30. the gardens are at their peak now and are breathtaking! Above is a photo of the rose garden(click to enlarge).
Fanningbank - Government House. There are also house tours some afternoons here and many tourists also enjoy a visit here.
The musicans
There is over 100 roses in a formal rose garden.
The perennial border is in full color now with the phlox putting on a great show.
The lower part of the rose garden. I should mention that this garden has 4 full time gardeners and for a few weeks I think it is 5.
I love this rose-I will have to find out which one it is tonight.
Most of their roses are hybrid teas.
My pictures do not do it justice you must go and see for yourself! The gardens are open to the public everyday-all day.
Now, I am serving strawberry shortcakes to my visitors from Japan this afternoon so I am off to make biscuits. Andrew is cutting the grass and whippersnipping and the house has been tidied so there is nothing like a tour to whip things into shape- a few bouquets scattered around and we are done(tour is at 2 pm)I just finished deadheading the daylilies which are putting on a great show now so I must take some photos later to share soon.
I hope you have a lovely day!